Expert PPC tips from David Rodnitzky

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David Rodnitzky is CEO of 3Q Digital of San Mateo, California (formerly PPC Associates). 3Q Digital is a professional services firm offering internet marketing help in the areas of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click advertising (PPC), Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and more. They cover traditional advertising on Google, Microsoft AdCenter (Bing and Yahoo!) plus many other search engines. Plus, 3Q Digital can help with social marketing strategies and execution for platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and more.

David is a expert in the field of SEO and SEM having worked at companies like Aderactive and Merchantila prior to founding 3Q Digital. He is also on the advisory board of Marin Software, MediaBoost and Mediacause.

He is a regular speaker at major SEM conferences and has contributed to numerous influential publications, including Venture Capital Journal, CNN Radio, Newsweek, Advertising Age, and Search Marketing Standard. I believe you can catch David and SMX east in a couple weeks in New York.

Learn about all things PPC and why long tail marketing is giving way to wide tail marketing.

The Free COO airs live on Thursdays at 4:00pm Pacific Time

Also check out 3Q Digitals blog.

How to find happiness at work

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Srikumar Rao is a noted author, lecturer, professor and founder of The Rao Institute. He is the author of the course “Creativity and Personal Mastery”, the only MBA course in the world which has its own alumni association.

Professor Rao talks about his career and how it led him to a life-long mission to help others be more happy and successful in their careers.

This is an amazing interview with a truly amazing person.

Be sure to pick up Professor Rao’s books:

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How to hire the best talent for your startup

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Lisa Kolenda is head of executive search for Omidyar Network. Lisa discusses the ins and outs of recruiting, securing and retaining the best personnel for you startup company.

We talk about building a company culture, what sort of events work best for rewarding your team, and tools for managing the hiring process.

This is a highly informative show for any entrepreneur who is looking for great talent. Which means its a must listen for all entrepreneurs!

The Free COO radio show offers free advice for building and running a startup company. Listen in live on Thursdays at 4:00pm Pacific Time on Spreaker. Join in the live conversation via Spreaker’s chat function in the player.

Bloomberg BusinessWeek could use a business lesson

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I have been a Bloomberg BusinessWeek subscriber since 1975. I’ve also had The New York Times home delivery for over a decade. Both print subscriptions grant my wife and me digital rights access on both of our iPhones or iPads.

In March I decided that I’m so happy with my digital access that I no longer wanted to receive a print copy of BusinessWeek or the NY Times.

New York Times understands that eliminating the print delivery is a huge cost and environmental savings and simply allowed me to change my subscription to digital access only. Doing so drops the rate from $65 per month to $20 per month while still granting access to my wife and me on our individual iPads and iPhones. A simple phone call was all it took and the $480 annual savings almost paid for my iPad.

But BusinessWeek is another story altogether. When I called to change to digital-only service they said I’d have to cancel my print subscription and order a new subscription from the Apple App Store. Read more…