Special follow-up edition Part 1 with Christopher Farm of Tenjin and Dave McLean of Magnolia Brewing
In this, the first of two special follow-up editions of Bay Area Ventures, we check in with guests from the first three seasons of the show.

Chris takes calls from listeners and talks about how they have manage to find technical talent for their team at a time when competition for programmers and engineers in the San Francisco Bay Area has been fierce.

PPCIan shares the latest advice on SEM
Ian Lopuch, VP, Search Marketing of eHealthInsurance and author of PPCIan returns to The Free COO to offer incredible advice for entrepreneurs.
Learn about online marketing technologies, search engine trends for 2012 and 2013, careers in online marketing and top 3 tips for online marketers.
Ian is The Free COO’s first repeat guest and for good reason. He is always an exciting speaker and in this 90 minute interview you’ll get so many great actionable takeaways for your company that it will more than compensate you for your time spent listening. This is a must hear interview.
Be sure to follow Ian’s frequent posts on www.PPCIan.com
And be sure to catch The Free COO Thursdays at 4:00pm Pacific Time live on Spreaker, Facebook and right here.
Interview with Ian Lopuch of PPCIan.com
If you need to use the internet to market your business, and who doesn’t, then this episode of the Free COO is a “must listen to”. Our guest is Ian Lopuch of PPCIan.com. Ian discusses SEM or, Search Engine Marketing, including Pay Per Click and Search Engine Optimization (PPC and SEO).
Ian discusses the career opportunities for SEM specialists and his outstanding rise to becoming a top SEO specialist and Director of Search Engine Marketing for a multi-million dollar public company.
Be sure to join me each Thursday at 4:00pm Pacific Time for The Free COO live on Spreaker. Also be sure to check out our Facebook Fan Page and join the Free COO community.
The Free COO, now available as a podcast on iTunes, is the #1 business program on Spreaker!