Biotech incubator QB3 transforming research into new ventures

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Douglas Crawford, Ph. D., Associate Director of QB3 and Managing Director of Mission Bay Capital discusses the role of the State of California’s Governor Gray Davis Institutes for Science and Innovations’ role in transferring academic research into viable startup ventures. QB3, The California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences is one of the four institutes and is a conduit for the University of California’s UC Berkeley, UC San Francisco and UC Santa Cruz’s biosciences departments.

Learn how PH. D.’s in bioscience are forming venture backed startups on their own or in a partnership with other tech and business entrepreneurs. Hear about the many programs and opportunities open to all entrepreneurs at QB3.

For more information on QB3 and Mission Bay Capital follow these links:
Mission Bay Capital

For information on the other Institutes for Science and Innovation follow this link:
The Governor Gray Davis Institute for Science and Innovation

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